Friday, December 26, 2008


2000: Founder of Judaism, ABRAHAM was alive.

19th CENTURY: Hebrew Lawgiver, Moses was alive.

1100-500: The Sacred Text of the Hindus, THE VEDA, was compiled.

604: Birth of Lao-tzu, Taoism Leader.

563-483: Founder of Buddhism, BUDDHA, was alive.

551-479: Founder of Confucianism, CONFUCIUS, was alive.

540-468: Jains Founder, MAHAVIRA, was alive.

6 or 4: JESUS of Nazareth, founder of Christianity, was alive.

33: Departure and Crucifixion of JESUS CHRIST.

70-100: The New Testaments, First Four Books were written, namely MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, and JOHN.

570 - 632 Prophet MUHAMMAD - whose teachings, recorded in the Koran, form the basis of Islam.

622 Muhammad flees persecution in Mecca and settles in Yathrib then later in Medina, the first day of the lunar year in which this event, known as the Hegira.

1054 The split between Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church was condemned by Catholic Pope Leo IX.

1224 - 74 Italian philosopher and Roman Catholic theologian Saint Thomas Aquinas was alive.

1483 - 1546 Martin Luther, leader of the Protestant Reformation in Germany and author of "95 Theses" (1517) is alive.

1509 - 64 -- John Calvin, leader of the Protestant Reformation in France, is alive.

1549 The first Christian mission in Japan is established.

1582 Jesuit Matteo Ricci is the first missionary to be sent to China.

1620 Plymouth Colony in North America is founded in December by 102 English Puritan separatists, known as Pilgrims.

1642 - 91 George Fox, English founder of the Protestant Society of Friends (the Quakers) is alive.

1703 - 91 John Wesley, English founder of the Protestant movement that later became the Methodist Church, is alive.

1859 The English Naturalist CHARLES DARWIN elucidates his theory of organic evolution.

1869 - 70 The first Roman Catholic Vatican Council, at which the dogma of papal infallibility is promulgated, is convened by Pope Pius IX.

1869 - 1948 Mohandas K. Gandhi, Indian spiritual and political leader who helped his country achieve independence from Britain and sought rapprochement between Hindus and Muslims, is alive.

1933 - 45 The systematic persecution and attempted extermination of European Jews, known as the Holocaust, by Adolf Hitler's Nazi party takes place.

1948 Israel was Declared as an independent Jewish State.

1962 - 65 The second Roman Catholic Vatican Council, at which changes were made in the liturgy and greater participation in services by lay church members was encouraged, is convened by Pope John XXIII and concluded by Pope Paul VI.

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